Fabric Glass Surface Films

Self-adhering printed textile or ‘fabric’ materials add texture and sophistication to any glass surface.

Textile on Glass 

CoolVu’s textile films are the next ‘big thing’ in custom-applied window treatments. Available in various designer-inspired hatched patterns, opacities, and textures, these textile-based film products combine the beauty and elegant look experienced with traditional window treatments with the economy, simplicity, and cleanliness of applied specialty films.

Printable Window Fabric 

With CoolVu printing expertise, create jaw-dropping custom printed applications with our textile-based products to make your glass surfaces truly unique. Great for both interior and exterior facing glass windows, walls, and doors, these textured products are UV stabilized for long-term durability and create the one-way privacy needed for home or office use. 

  • Transparent fabric for glass 
  • Variety of soft, natural tones 
  • Stylish privacy with multiple opacities 
  • Solar and moisture resistant 
  • Printable and customizable into shapes
  • Bathrooms, conference, vision glass, cabinet glass

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CoolVu Security Specifications

Clear Security

04 MIL 08 MIL 12 MIL
750 lbs 1000 lbs 1200 lbs
20,000 psi. 30,000 psi. 40,000 psi.
180 lbs 200 lbs 220 lbs
18 lbs 24 lbs 32 lbs

Level of Protection